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Product Description
The imprint area is over 6 inches long, giving these bracelet USBs some of the best creative area for your logo. With color options that will match just about any company and event colors, you will find just what you need. Some of the most popular colors are royal blue, yellow and red. When selecting a color, remember that this bracelet is something you want people to wear. So, while it is a practical USB, it is also a statement, so consider what the users will want.
The capacity of these bracelet USBs range from 64MB up to 32GB. Consider what your target audience is most likely to do with these, besides wear them when considering the ideal memory size. For basic documents, up to 2GB is probably enough. If they like to share images or music and videos, youíll want to consider larger capacity bracelets.
Production Time: 5 Business Days
Physical Details
(22mm x 14mm)
(155mm x 14mm)